Minimalist Sentosa House Special Cubic

Minimalist sentosa house, special cubic

This beautiful residence cubic inspired geometric, ie something of the project architect, nicholas burns. This sentosa island, singapore, and completed in 2012. is designed with special attention to the daily needs of the owner, according to their preferences and lifestyle.

sentosa house, special cubic

Architectural plans used is simple, but round. residence consists of a core composed a series of more or less open area. kernel centers provide structure and vertical circulation (stairs that connect the various levels). grouped in more or less the core, more open area with a fitting turn of family needs. as not necessarily tomorrow, flexibility is very appreciated. moreover, the interior walls can be modified if needed.

Designed for tropical climates

When determining the material we determine to use concrete, stone and steel for the structure. the location huge glass facade features, as well as the side of the panel is covered with a contrived with recycled teak slats. The material quality, richness and structure provide a decorative element.

Architects, when designing a tranquil place to live, considering the location. moreover, this residence is designed to give support and take advantage of the tropical climate of the island. appearance of recycled teak slats that fit over the composition of concrete, insulation from the sun, to some control room temperature. This subject also sought to impose cross ventilation to let alone wind can flow freely past few quarters. double glazing help to achieve power efficiency.
